KEEP (the Keeper Educational Exchange Programme) is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Alice in 2020, to benefit Zookeepers across the UK by organising for them to spend a few days at another Zoo.

Alice and James giving a talk at the annual BIAZA Conference, June 2023.

The KEEP team comprises Alice and three other Zookeepers: James Star, Dan Sutton and Kim Sutton. Together, the trio funded a website and launched KEEP officially in January 2023.

Alice in a pre-made video played at the Harpij Conference in 2023.

With over 20 collections signed up, 200 keepers and over 20 placements taking place in the first year of operation, the KEEP team is delighted at it’s success and looks forward to organising educational experiences for zookeepers across the globe.

You can find out more about the Keeper Exchange Programme at:

KEEP is proud to be supported by the following organisations: